Department of Materials Science and Biotechnology
Applied Chemistry and Biotechnolog
The department of Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology has established a chemical education and research system for a new era. This system promotes education and research that contribute to the realization of an affluent sustainable society and a peaceful life for humanity. The department produces researchers and highly specialized engineers who have high ethical standards as well as advanced knowledge and technical ability in the fields of applied chemistry and biotechnology.
Frontier Fiber Technology and Science
The Frontier Fiber Technology and Science Course has a tradition of excellence in fiber processing and finishing, as evidenced by the quality of its programs, the caliber of its faculty, and the excellence of its students. The course is a leader in research related to fiber processing and innovative educational programs. The faculties in this course pursue research in all areas of fiber science. The goals of this research include: processing fiber/polymer materials, modifying the materials, manipulating colloidal matters, and controlling biological issues.
Materials Science and Engineering
Our department covers a wide range of fields of applied chemistry and materials engineering, and is working on education and research in this area. Some of the major topics are synthesizing methods of inorganic, organic and polymeric materials, the structure and physical properties of these materials, and the engineering analysis of the production processes. Our graduates are working actively in a wide variety of areas, and our achievements in research and fostering of talented engineers are acknowledged by communities and industries.