Human and Artificial Intelligent Systems

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Our courses explore cutting-edge interdisciplinary fields that integrate various sciences and technologies, ranging from hard engineering, such as mechanical, electronic, and information engineering, to soft sciences, such as life science, cognitive science, and complex systems science.

Education and research are conducted to elucidate the functions and mechanisms involved in human and biological intelligence, and to develop intelligent artificial systems such as robots that are friendly to the environment and people.

In addition to advanced specialized knowledge and technology, we provide education based on the following policies in order to foster internationally competent, highly specialized engineers with comprehensive skills and qualities that can be applied to a wide range of engineering fields.

– In addition to advanced specialized knowledge and technology, acquire a wide range of basic knowledge related to specialized fields.

– Acquire comprehensive abilities that combine creativity, self-learning, problem finding and solving, and communication skills.

– To be aware of the ethics and social responsibility that engineers should observe.